Vegetable and essential oils to prepare and protect your skin from the sun
What should you do before, during and after tanning to maintain healthy, beautiful, satiny and above all healthy skin for as long as possible? Our sun protection recipes. Our advice for effectively hydrating your skin.

What should you do before, during and after tanning to maintain healthy, beautiful, satiny and above all healthy skin for as long as possible? You are hesitating between virgin oils and essential oils, between carrot and apricot… Our file will help you! Summer is often synonymous with sunbathing, at the beach, on a terrace or even in a garden. Protection and hydration are essential, otherwise we risk promoting the appearance of wrinkles, spots, or worse, skin cancer... The sun is a false friend, we all know that, but what are the real dangers of the sun, and how to detect them? and how to protect yourself from it?

Vegetable oils and essential oils to properly prepare and protect your skin from the sun


   express recipes   

Prepare and exfoliate your skin before tanning

Prepare and exfoliate your skin before tanning

To maintain beautiful skin and a tanned complexion for as long as possible, the secret is to exfoliate and moisturize your skin well beforehand.

Exfoliating clay paste with orange blossom and olive stone powder.


How to use it ?

To be used twice a week for oily skin and no more than once every 15 days for fine and dry skin.
Moisturize your skin very well before exposure to the sun

Moisturize your skin very well before exposure to the sun

It smells good, it beautifies the skin, prevents too rapid dehydration and will allow you to keep your tan longer.

After sun beauty oil:


It's ready!

How to use it ?

Use without moderation a few hours before tanning (not in the hour preceding for skin very sensitive to the sun: carrot oil could be photo-sensitizing)
Essential and vegetable oils to moisturize your skin - homemade after sun

Essential and vegetable oils to moisturize your skin - homemade after sun

Perfect recipe to soothe, heal, while prolonging your tan. Anti-spots and anti-wrinkles, it also prevents premature skin aging caused by the sun's rays.


How to use it ?

" Apply 3 times a day or more if necessary. NOTE: Hydrosols are also very useful as sprays to refresh and soothe. Place in the fridge before use for a guaranteed freshness effect! Choose hydrosols of peppermint, lavender, chamomile and orange blossom (alone or in combination).


These synergies should not be used in pregnant women (during the entire pregnancy), breastfeeding women and children under 7 years old.
These properties and methods of use do not constitute medical advice. For therapeutic use consult a doctor.

   Prepare your skin for the sun

To protect yourself properly, you must understand the dangers of the sun for the skin.

To protect yourself properly, you must understand the dangers of the sun for the skin.

To be able to properly protect yourself, you must first understand… Sunlight is made up of 3 types of UV: UVA, UVB and UVC. Let's forget the last ones, they don't cross the ozone layer (so they never reach us).

UVB represents 5% of UV rays that touch the earth's surface; they are blocked by a simple window and by clouds. They penetrate shallowly into the skin and are responsible for tanning and sunburns (burns). UVA represents 95% of UV rays that touch the earth's surface, they pass through glass and clouds, penetrate deeper into the skin (up to the dermis) and are responsible for wrinkles (Age) and sun allergies.

Both can cause skin cancer. However, 90% of skin cancers that are detected quickly are treated completely. So, how do you inspect yourself and the skin of those you love to check for moles? If the slightest doubt remains, the dermatologist will be the only one able to decide. But as prevention is better than cure, here are some tips…

The ABCDE method has been developed: thanks to a simple mnemonic, it allows you to remember what a mole worthy of the name should look like. To be impeccable, a mole must be symmetrical, with more or less regular edges, preferably a single color, not too large and must not change in appearance.

Steps to follow to have beautiful skin all summer long

Steps to follow to have beautiful skin all summer long

To have beautiful skin (and keep it!) here are the three essential steps when exposing yourself to the sun:

PREPARE (before) → PROTECT (during) → HYDRATE (after)

    Prepare your skin for the sun and tanning with vegetable oils    


Prepare your skin for the sun and tanning with vegetable oils.
To maintain beautiful skin and a tanned complexion for as long as possible, the secret is to exfoliate and moisturize your skin well beforehand.

Here are some oils and active ingredients that may be useful to you:


Oily carrot macerate:

Promotes tanning and allows, after sun, to maintain a beautiful tanned complexion and to soften the skin. It can also be used as a self-tanner and has a low SPF.

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Virgin apricot kernel oil:

Hydrates, prepares the skin for the sun and restores radiance to dull skin.

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Shea butter:

Nourishes dry skin and treats eczema. It has a low UV index.

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Virgin rosehip oil:

It is regenerating and powerful anti-aging. It also helps fight against blotchy skin and scars.

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Bergamot EO:

3 drops in 100ml of Virgin Oil: regenerates the skin and facilitates tanning but be careful of photosensitization!

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Olive pit powder:

Deeply cleanses the skin and helps rid it of impurities and dead skin without damaging the epidermis too much. Ideal for a beautiful, even tan.

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Red clay:

Soothes sensitive and blotchy skin and gives a boost of radiance to dull complexions. Less aggressive than green clay, it is ideal as an exfoliant with olive stone powder.

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    Virgin vegetable oils to calm and relieve burns and sunburns    


Protect your skin from the sun naturally and with vegetable oils.
We can't stress it enough!!! Sunscreen remains essential! If there is one thing that should be applied to the skin (even if it is not 100% organic) it is it!
Virgin oils inherently have a UV protection index. Virgin oils of carrot, sesame, jojoba, coconut, shea, olive (among others) have a UV index between 4 and 10.
Raspberry seed oil, which is more difficult to find, has an SPF of 30!

However, here are some tips to stay organic, home made, nature friendly and still protect yourself:


Zinc oxide:

Is THE mineral protection par excellence. It’s also what gives this pretty white tint to mineral creams! To have optimal protection, zinc oxide must be in high concentration. For an SPF of 10, you would need 10% zinc oxide in the cream base, for an SPF 15, 15%, for an SPF 30, 30% etc… It is therefore entirely feasible, but to achieve at a high SPF, we therefore obtain a galenic that is not very pleasant.

Note on mineral filters: zinc and titanium oxide: so-called “mineral” filters are mainly composed of zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. They penetrate little into the skin and therefore offer protection mainly against UVB and less against UVA. To reduce the whitish tint of their creams, some laboratories micronize titanium dioxide and zinc oxide in the form of nanoparticles, so they penetrate more into the skin: less whitish tint on the surface. According to the ANSM, the national agency for the safety of medicines and health products, titanium oxide would certainly penetrate deeper but would not be absorbed significantly. However, it is recommended not to apply MICRONISES zinc or titanium oxide cream to injured or damaged skin to avoid too much absorption!

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Virgin St. John's Wort Oil:

Very effective in treating burns and sunburns as well as itching and eczema. Be careful, however, not to expose yourself to the sun for the next 24 hours: St. John's wort oil is photosensitizing!

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TIP: To formulate your homemade sunscreen, beeswax can be of great help. In fact, it gives texture to the cream and is water-repellent: it gives a waterproof side to all your sunscreen preparations!

    Moisturize and nourish your skin after tanning    


After tanning, you need to moisturize a lot (yes, again!) to prolong the tan and soothe in case of sunburn.



True lavender essential oil:

Is soothing, regenerating and healing, making it an EO of choice to add to your after-sun creams and oils (15 drops for 50 ml).

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Carrot essential oil:

Powerful regenerating, healing and anti-spots (red or brown), it will give radiance to tanned skin while allowing sunburn to heal. Powerful anti-wrinkle, it will fight against skin aging due to the sun. To add to your after-sun creams and oils (10 drops for 50 ml).

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Roman chamomile essential oil:

Known for its exceptional soothing properties, it relieves itching due to allergies or sunburn. To add to your after-sun creams and oils (15 drops for 50 ml).

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Virgin St. John's Wort Oil:

Very effective in treating burns and sunburns as well as itching and eczema. Be careful, however, not to expose yourself to the sun for the next 24 hours: St. John's wort oil is photosensitizing!

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Virgin calendula oil:

Like St. John's Wort, it soothes redness and irritation but it can also be used to calm sun allergies.

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Virgin coconut oil:

Used for its holiday scent in many sunscreen oils, it is also very nourishing and soothing to apply when returning from the beach!

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Aloe Vera juice:

Excellent hydrating, soothing and regenerating! It would also reduce brown spots. Purifying and astringent, it can be used on oily skin. On burns or open wounds, it will act as a healing agent.

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  Health explanation   

Natural self-tanners - Recipes and cosmetic advice

If with all this, the tan is not perfect, there is still a solution: natural self-tanners!

Self-tanner with black tea: steep black tea for 3-5 minutes, strain the preparation, leave overnight and apply with a cotton pad. This tinted lotion gives a pretty tanned complexion but washes away: ideal for an evening!

Cocoa self-tanner: mix unsweetened cocoa with your day cream or moisturizing body cream and that's it. Like the tea self-tanner, it is more of a tinted cream than a self-tanner, and rinses off with water directly afterwards. On the other hand, there is still a progressive result over the days, with an increasingly pronounced tan.

Carrot self-tanner: virgin carrot oil (added with a few drops of carrot essential oil) directly gives you a healthy glow. Here we have a real self-tanner...very progressive. It takes a week for the tanning effect to appear but this one lasts!


Diet tips for beautiful skin in summer

The skin is one of the organs that detoxifies our body (just like the intestine, liver, lungs or kidneys), it is a reflection of what we eat and drink...

✓ Drink a lot: to properly hydrate your skin you must also hydrate it from the inside!
✓ Eat colorful vegetables: tomatoes and carrots: rich in beta-carotenes, they give a tanned complexion and prolong your tan
✓ Eat foods recognized as antioxidants: to prevent oxidative stress caused by the sun: green tea, turmeric, broccoli, garlic, selenium, goji berries, etc.

For breakfast: smoothies! Our sun ally in the morning... and what's more, it's good!

Sun-slimming: pineapple, mango, carrot
Sun-freshness: carrot and mint leaves
Sun-antioxidant: carrot, orange lemon and grapefruit




      Daily tips   

Some tips for safe sun exposure

  • Be careful during hot hours: between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m., no prolonged exposure (>20min)
  • Sun protection should be repeated regularly (every two hours is best, otherwise at least 3 times/day and reapply after swimming)
  • Think of big straw hats and bohemian tunics, it's beautiful and it protects!
  • Children = a very thick layer of sunscreen, a hat and shade... You use up the majority of your sun capital before the age of 18!

Sunburn and essential oils: Relieve and treat
How to relieve sunburn and treat it best! We all love the sun, it warms us up and makes us think of vacations... not to mention the satiny effect it gives to our skin! But the sun also does damage...